Regular dental visits are extremely important for maintaining healthy teeth and a perfect smile. Choosing a dentist can be tough. Many people will stick to the same dentist for large portions of their life. They are usually more than just someone looking at your teeth. Good dentists can forge lasting bonds with their patients. If you have been going to the same dentist for a while, when they retire, you move to a new area, or for any other reason, there is a pretty big hole that needs to be filled. It can be rough searching for a new person to feel comfortable in entrusting your dental health too. Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Your connection with your dentist depends on how effectively you communicate with them.


Before even starting to look for a dentist, be sure to keep these 4 pieces of information in mind. They will be the biggest factors in finding the perfect dentist match for your needs. 

What questions to ask:

  1. How Can We Improve My Dental Health?: Dental health can be improved when you and your dentists work together towards the same goal. Share your routine with your new dentist and get the necessary guidelines about brushing and flossing. 
  2. How Is My Current Dental Health?: A new dentist will examine your entire oral cavity, including teeth, gums, jaws, tongue, and throat. This is a good time to ask your dentist any questions about your current oral health, and ways you can improve your oral health.

Your overall health can be greatly affected by your oral health and care. A good dentist should be a trusted guide you can look to in times of health needs. If you’re looking for a dentist you can trust to care for you and your family, please call our office and make an appointment. We would be glad to help you have a healthy happy smile!

Daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing are essential to a healthy smile, but did you know nutrition has an effect on your dental health, too? Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups promotes healthy teeth and gums.

Healthy Nutrition for Healthy Teeth

Smart snacking also can keep your mouth in good shape. Resist the urge to snack frequently — the more often you eat, especially between meals, the more likely you are to introduce acid attacks on your teeth. If you do snack, choose wisely and opt for nutritious choices such as raw vegetables, fruits, and plain yogurt. Remember to brush after snacking to help prevent cavities. If you can’t brush, rinse your mouth with water to get rid of food particles.

Drink Water

Water, especially fluoridated water, is the best beverage for maintaining your oral health. Fluoride helps to make teeth more resistant to the acid attacks that can cause cavities. As of 2012, nearly 75% of the U.S. population had access to fluoridated water, so drinking water from your own kitchen sink can help prevent dental problems.

What foods are good for strengthening enamel?

Enamel is the thin, hard mineral coating that covers the teeth, protecting them from decay and the daily stress of chewing, biting, grinding, and crunching. Although enamel is one of the strongest and hardest materials in your body, it can become weakened, eroded, or destroyed by the acids and sugars in certain food and drinks and, once gone, cannot be regenerated.

However, even if you are experiencing some enamel erosion, some foods and habits can help you preserve and strengthen what you have.

In addition to healthful eating, oral health problems can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day, flossing once a day, drinking fluoridated water, and seeking regular oral health care.

Ensuring you are able to reach your oral health needs begins with a good oral hygiene regimen. We’ve laid out information for you below to help guide you in the right direction to find the perfect regimen for you. 

Setting Up Your Hygiene Goals:

While there are recommended tips that everyone should apply to their oral hygiene regimen, there may be specific actions you can take to cater to your own needs/wants. 

Conditions such as diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease, and cancer all have the possibility of impacting your oral health. These conditions may require extra care in your routine and we recommend consulting with your dental provider if you feel you meet special requirements. 

The Basics:

There are a few basic routine tasks you can do daily to have a good regimen.

  1. Brush Twice Daily – Brushing when you first wake up and before you go to bed are the optimal times of day for you to clean your teeth. We recommend brushing for about 2 minutes. Try to give some time between when you eat and when you brush for a more effective cleaning. 
  1. Floss At Least Once A Day – Get out the extra food particles and bacteria left over from brushing by flossing every day as well. The culprit for cavities is usually these types of hidden molecules that people miss. If you absolutely hate flossing with normal floss, try to opt for a pick or water floss to reach those pesky unseen particles. Avoid toothpicks. 
  1. Use The Right Tools – The right tools for brushing success are:

Other Things To Consider 

Conclusion: Consistency Is Key 

The key to proper upkeep of your oral health is staying consistent in a well-thought-out regimen. Everyone falters here and there but as long as brushing and flossing become a daily routine then you can expect to have stellar oral health. Visiting the dentist regularly twice every year consistently will also help you stay in touch with how your oral health progresses. A good dentist loves sharing information with patients, so don’t hesitate to ask them for advice or to answer any questions you may have. If you don’t have a dentist, we’d be happy to answer any of your questions